Holidays with Bigfoot

Dancing between the ridiculous and the touching, Holidays with Bigfoot is an exploration of legalized prostitution, a cardboard-headed cat specter, an acquitted murderer's bed and breakfast, the city-building virus, Schrodinger's dog, a resurrected local son, and an art cult.
The result is irreverent scenes of the little plumbed depths of America (and just a little Canada for flavor) as Quackenbush explores the country accompanied by a hipster before it was cool, a black belt animal control officer, a collegiate muck-pastor, and a polymath former child model.
Part Bill Bryson, part Tom Robbins, this book skewers esoteric tourist traps with a love only a native of the strange can have. Quackenbush mines his dysfunctional family, his failed romances, and his anxiety to produce something deeply personal and deeply weird.

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Holidays with Bigfoot