
The Night's Dream series takes place in the realms most familiar to you. They are books that dwell in the shadows that you think you see out of the corner of your eye, our world, and yet not the one we would want to admit. In a twisted version of the Hudson Valley -- one occupied by vampire maternity nurses and self-interested angels, by displaced spirits wearing the masks of aliens, by possessed pumpkins and tree sprites who teach botany to ungrateful undergrads -- the characters deal with the strangest circumstance of all: trying to figure out what it means to lead a normal life.

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We Shadows

Shane Valentine goes to college and loses herself.
No, literally. She falls out of reality, warps the college around her, and mythic creatures come after her. Is she clever enough to survive?


one of the most engaging books I've ever read.

Quackenbush is a talented writer, without doubt. The dry, witty humour was worth reading the book for on its own.

We ShadowsWe Shadows
Danse Macabre
Artificial Gods

Flies to Wanton Boys

A plague infects the supernatural elements of the world and the cure may come from the memories of a century old serial killer who was prevented from stopping it in the first place.

Flies to Wanton Boys


Find What You Love and Let It Kill You

Stories about love from a man who thinks "love" could involve Grim Reapers.

Find What You Love and Let It Kill You

A Creature Was Stirring

Those scary ghost stories mentioned in Christmas carols, along with a dozen others.

A Creature Was Stirring


Pagan Standard Times

Stories and essays about the state of modern Paganism from a witch questioning his religion.

Pagan Standard Times

Holidays with Bigfoot

Traveling North America, seeking out gambling, pitbulls, UFOs, murder ghosts, and Bigfoot.
Finding none of those.

Holidays with Bigfoot

The Curious Case of the Talking Mongoose

In 1931, a supposed talking mongoose harassed the Irving family, and somehow became the subject of a precedent-setting court case and a major motion picture, Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose.

The Curious Case of the Talking Mongoose
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