We didn't know how long she had been dead, not versed in country things. One night, coming home, Amber noticed the tiny mother had splayed her wing over the nest. This might have been a maternal, avian technique with which we were unfamiliar, some method of keeping her eggs safe from the stiff breezes as spring turned to summer.
When her posture was no different in the morning, I let Amber know the bird had died above our notice, and I would give her a respectful burial when I returned home. Amber could not leave the task that long undone, not on days with threatening heat, not when leaving the mother on the nest might keep away a father to tend the eggs. The father of this species–the eastern phoebe–does more than fertilize and flee, sticking around to raise the brood. I do not believe he sits on the eggs, so perhaps he didn't see much of a point in lingering until there were mouths to feed or nests to make. I don't recall having seen two, but I would rather preserve the fantasy of hoping he would arrive in time to claim his nascent children.
Shane did not struggle to accept mermaids as part of her world. She had met a dryad, siren, djinn, demons, probably aliens. She had served cappuccinos to fairy folk who thought it was cute to tip with twenties that turned to pennies. She had been instrumental in killing maybe a dozen vampires and one angel--though the angel had wanted to leverage her death into a holocaust, so that was less bragworthy.
A mermaid didn't move the needle of credulity. Shane would find it suspect if someone attempted to assure her mermaids were made up and couldn't possibly exist because they were biologically dubious (which, of course, they were, but so what? Shane was biologically dubious weekly). The merfolk were known enough to inspire songs that poisoned karaoke nights, so they existed. That was how the real world worked. If you got enough people behind the idea, it happened. If you made enough of them doubt, that was as good as a sucker punch that came with implosion, which daemons generally wished to avoid.
Shane Valentine was barely out of the Humanities building before she saw the swordsman, his left hand balancing the right but not doing much more than grasping the pommel. Being the steward of Annandale University--or, she supposed, being a steward anywhere--you get the instinct to inspect passing strangers for lethal weapons as a matter of course. Technically, the right stick in the wrong hand could kill the unwary, but it was more in the carrying than the item in that case.
The sword looked rusty--she could not guarantee it was rust and not dried blood, but both bespoke carelessness--and as long as his arm. The calculus was never tricky. Few people recreationally wielded swords on campus or in Red Hook proper. She would be sure to ask him why he thought he should be the exception just as soon as he was no longer armed.
The casual reader (or expert in ufology) squirms. The story of Linda Napolitano's abduction started out bizarre and exceeded unbelievable some time ago. With all these convolutions, how could the so-called biggest case in abduction research be true? If it is false, what does this say about the veracity of the phenomenon as a whole?
In an interview with NOVA, Hopkins said, "You ask the man on the street to explain what a UFO abduction is about, and he may get one or two things right. But, most people really don't have a clear idea of what happens." This might have been true when he began investigating decades ago, but the script of abduction was well worn by 1989--in part because of Hopkins. Per his obituary in The New York Times, "Mr. Hopkins was struck by the recurrence of certain motifs: the lonely road, the dark of night, the burst of light, the sudden passage through the air and into a waiting craft, and above all the sense of time that could not be accounted for." Alien abductions are sitcom fodder in the twenty-first century. If you stop a person on the street now, he might describe the mythology down to the implants. If an abductee under hypnosis didn't click these boxes, their story might seem suspect. Hopkins said on an April 1, 1997, episode of NOVA that this "has an absolute core of reality." Maybe so, but what surrounds that core is a primary concern, as evidenced by this case.
Hopkins notes (111):
recollection of the beach scene was blocked for Linda and the three men for many months, even though she had undergone hypnosis on the events of that night. Then, somehow, Dan, Richard, and the third man are allowed to "spontaneously" recall the Lady of the Sands. A letter is sent to me about their recollections, I bring Linda in for another hypnosis session, and she, too, recalls the scene. There is an unsettling—and unearthly—precision in all of this.
Hopkins' suggestion was not that the story only existed once Napolitano created it as much as that the aliens had triggered memories on her schedule. "My ace in the hole was the fact that she had no idea the three men also recalled the scene at the beach" (112). When he read Dan's letters about the Lady of the Sands incident to Napolitano, Hopkins recorded her reactions, which he considers entirely convincing and in no way practiced, as she would have no idea what they would contain. Except, of course, if she had a hand in writing them--something Hopkins barely considers.
Napolitano again underwent hypnosis, recalling the beach, scoop and pails, dying sea creatures, and ecological message--all factors she had not alluded to in earlier sessions. For the first time, she also recalled seeing "three [men] sitting on the sand" and showing them a bluefish to explain how people like them had done this (p. 95). On Hopkins' prompting, described in Witnessed: The True Story Of The Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions, Napolitano remembered they were Richard and Dan.
Hopkins said he was pleasantly surprised by "the extraordinary and highly detailed consonance between Dan's letter and Linda's recollections of her seaside experience" (p. 110), seeing this as evidence of its reality and not that Napolitano and Dan/Richard might have a closer relationship than they let on--possibly because they were all in some way Napolitano. Instead, he admired the alien's ability "to erase [from abductees' memories] any time period they choose and 'spontaneously' to reinstate memories on command" (p. 111), thus why all four of them suddenly recalled the "Lady of the Sands."
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